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What does each Order Status mean? – Buy Twitter Followers – Twipeak

What does each Order Status mean?

What does each Order Status mean?

Once you place an order, you may notice your order will have a particular status that will change. These are a list of our Order Statuses and what they mean:

Pending – We have received your order, but we have not received your payment.

Processing – We have received your order and it’s awaiting review from our Staff. If our team is out (nights), it may take up to 12 hours for this to change.

In Progress – We have reviewed your information and everything checked out. Your information has been sent to our Marketing Team to work on your order.

On Hold – We reviewed your order and have found something wrong. You will receive an email from us with further instructions.

Complete – We have completed your order. Congratulations!

Failed – We were unable to complete your order due to a violation of our Terms of Service or due to a failed payment. Feel free to contact us if you think there was a mistake.

Refunded – We started/completed your order, but provided a refund due to either an Official Refund Request, Fraud, or other reason.

Canceled – Your order was cancelled, with no refund issued. Either by request or a violation of our Terms of Service.